Rojas Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Rojas Genealogy & History

Rojas is a Spanish and Portuguese surname, from the Old Spanish rojo, meaning red. It may have been used as a topographical surname for someone living on sandy terrain or land containing iron or possibly as a nickname for people with red hair. Alternatively, it may come from the name Roger, through Rojet and ultimately come from Old German. Either way, this particular form is a patronymic. Rojas family history is first recorded late, in 1623, as Jean Rojou married Perrine Robert at St. Augustin, France. Some well-known members of Rojas genealogy are Venezuelan General Alberto Rojas, Colombian general and dictator Gustavo Rojas, and Venezuelan President Juan Rojas.

Rojas Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abdenago Rojas-- --, 1926February 9,2006TX
Balbina Rojas-- --, 1924January 18,2009HI
Calixto Rojas-- --, 1907July 21,2000IL
Dagoberto Rojas-- --, 1940April 17,2003AR

Rojas Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Rojas-- --, 1915May 24,2002Gretna,LA
Fabian Rojas-- --, 1920October 7,2000Houston,TX
Gabriel Rojas-- --, 1950November 5,2008Camuy,PR
Harold Rojas-- --, 1903April ,1970New Orleans,LA

Rojas Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Adrian RojasLialanda NavaOctober 21,2000Dallas, TX
Benito RojasLiliana TorresMay 27,2000M Clennan, TX
Cristian RojasCarlye RimmeleAugust 2,2003Wake, NC
Daniel RojasBeatrice MindietaOctober 27,2000Tarrant, TX

Most Common Surnames After Rojas

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1391st: Ivey1392nd: Butts
1393rd: Aldridge1394th: Thomason
1395th: Sewell1396th: Marcus
1397th: Coyle1398th: Vickers

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