Rudd Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Rudd Genealogy & History

Rudd genealogy shows this surname can be of English, Welsh, or Irish origin. Rudd family history gives two possible derivations: either a topographical name for a person who lived near a rood or cross or the Old English rudig, meaning red, given to a person who had a red complexion or hair. The English Rudd family crest portrays a blue lion rampant on a yellow field, while the Welsh version shows three silver bells on a blue shield divided by a chevron. Famous people with this surname include actor Paul Rudd, NASCAR driver Ricky Rudd, and AC/DC drummer Phil Rudd.

Rudd Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Rudd-- --, 1915April 27,2008NJ
Barbara Rudd-- --, 1928July 26,2002NJ
C Joy Rudd-- --, 1931December 12,2003TX
Dafna Rudd-- --, 1919May 14,2000TX

Rudd Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Rudd-- --, 1893November ,1966Cincinnati,OH
Faithe Rudd-- --, 1931March 5,2006Rome,NY
Gail Rudd-- --, 1969May 2,2007Morris,IL
Hager Rudd-- --, 1899April ,1968Cincinnati,OH

Rudd Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bobby RuddMelinda MoorhouseMarch 25,2000Collin, TX
Carl RuddMary MccalisterSeptember 7,1960Wake, NC
David RuddNettie CottleMay 22,1985Wake, NC
Earl RuddEstelle OakleyJune 5,1951Wake, NC

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