Salas Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Salas Genealogy & History

Salas was first found in Asturias, in the northern part of Spain, in 1492. This Spanish name is a locational name for someone who lives near a large hall. Some of the different spellings of the name include Sala, de Salinas, de la Sala, and de Salas. Salas family history has Alonso de Salas as the first known in the family to migrate to America, settling there in 1513. Some members of the Salas genealogy include biochemistry and molecular genetics scientist Margarita Salas; first United Nations Population Fund head Rafael M. Salas; and novelist and poet Floyd F. Salas.

Salas Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Salas-- --, 1917March ,1985CO
Baldemar Salas-- --, 1936September 13,2002AZ
Calletano Salas-- --, 1902October ,1972TX
Dalbert Salas-- --, 1904March ,1980CA

Salas Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ecipio Salas-- --, 1886February ,1977Anton Chico,NM
Fannie Salas-- --, 1889September ,1976Philadelphia,PA
Gabina Salas-- --, 1903June ,1987Luling,TX
Harold Salas-- --, 1911February 28,1995Dresher,PA

Salas Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Cesar SalasGrace FranciscoApril 25,2003Wake, NC
Daniel SalasWendy MitchellJune 10,2000Potter, TX
Eleazar SalasSamantha SawyerNovember 3,2000Harris, TX
Juan SalasMaria AlvaradoAugust 16,1992Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Salas

1899th: Zhang1900th: Michaud
1901st: Morrissey1902nd: Meek
1903rd: Blount1904th: Ali
1905th: Honeycutt1906th: Ham
1907th: Goetz1908th: Mallory

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