Sams Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Sams Genealogy & History

The surname Sams is found in England, Wales, the Netherlands, Germany, France, and Scotland. It is a patronymic from the given name Samuel or Samson, via the Hebrew Shimshon or Shemesh, which means sun. The Sams family seat is located in Essex. The first recorded instance of this name in Sams family history is Richard Sammys in 1458 A.D. in Norwich. The family crest shows a black and red lion rampant on a yellow shield. Alternative spellings listed in Sams genealogy include Samms, Sam, and Samme. A prominent person with a version of this surname is actress and Starlight Children's Foundation co-founder Emma Samms.

Sams Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Marshall Sams-- --, 1918February ,1982TX
Ballard Sams-- --, 1921May ,1987MI
Callie Sams-- --, 1897December ,1977TN
Daily Sams-- --, 1892March 18,1990KY

Sams Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Sams-- --, 1938August 31,2004Laurens,SC
F Eleanor Sams-- --, 1916November 30,1996Youngwood,PA
G Paul Sams-- --, 1919June 1,1993Hendersonville,NC
Hackett Sams-- --, 1876July 15,1969Brookshire,TX

Sams Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allen SamsLucille WilliamsMarch 15,2001Harris, TX
Charles SamsPatricia PaulMarch 30,1996Wake, NC
Deron SamsNadia GoffneyDecember 16,2000Walker, TX
Eugene SamsCynthia MccarterApril 22,2000M Clennan, TX

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