Scarborough Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Scarborough Genealogy & History

Scarborough is an English locational surname from the village of Scarborough in North Yorkshire. This village was likely named from the Norse skarthi, meaning hare lip, and borg, meaning stronghold, since the village was founded by Viking invaders, though this etymology is uncertain. Scarborough family history starts in 1293, when Henry de Scardeburgh was added to a town charter in the county of Lincoln. Scarborough genealogy includes such people as MSNBC host and Florida Representative Joe Scarborough and author Elizabeth Scarborough.

Scarborough Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Scarborough-- --, 1933July 14,2009GA
Baines Scarborough-- --, 1908February ,1984DE
C Cayce Scarborough-- --, 1912September 15,2009NC
Daffon Scarborough-- --, 1909June ,1978TX

Scarborough Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Eardeaner Scarborough-- --, 1921July ,1978Brooklyn,NY
Fannie Scarborough-- --, 1894February ,1973Columbus,GA
Gail Scarborough-- --, 1900April ,1982Huntington,IN
H Phillip Scarborough-- --, 1914May ,1981Sun City,AZ

Scarborough Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Andrew ScarboroughJean DanielDecember 21,1948Wake, NC
Beau ScarboroughLucinda CulverJune 30,2001Guadalupe, TX
Charles ScarboroughHarriet NelsonMay 8,1943Wake, NC
Donald ScarboroughElaine BartholomewJanuary 7,1978Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Scarborough

2323rd: Moe2324th: Vann
2325th: Cornwell2326th: Starks
2327th: Zeigler2328th: Mullin
2329th: Rupp2330th: Tan
2331st: Bearden2332nd: O'Reilly

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