Schaefer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Schaefer Genealogy & History

Schaefer is a German occupational surname, from the Middle German schafer, which means shepherd, and is in turn derived from the Middle High German schaf and Old High German scaf, for sheep, using the -er suffix to denote a person's action. It is also written as Schafer and Schaffer. Schaefer family history begins with Dietriech Schaffer, noted in the Early Medieval Records of Germany in 1327. Schaefer genealogy includes many notable individuals, such as two-term Maryland Governor and Comptroller Bill Shaefer, North Dakota Governor and Bush Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer, and Houston Astros center fielder Jordan Schafer.

Schaefer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Schaefer-- --, 1889August ,1968IL
B Maxine Schaefer-- --, 1937August 17,1989IA
C Earl Schaefer-- --, 1915June 2,2007NY
D June Schaefer-- --, 1919May 19,2008CA

Schaefer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Louise Schaefer-- --, 1922September 23,1998Fairfield,TX
F Albert Schaefer-- --, 1898October ,1982North Manchester,IN
G Edward Schaefer-- --, 1933February 5,1988Perkasie,PA
H Frederic Schaefer-- --, 1914September ,1978Rockport,MA

Schaefer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Glenn SchaeferCynthia ParkerFebruary 8,1986Wake, NC
Robert SchaeferNancy KinderAugust 26,1974Wake, NC
Peter SchaeferSuzanne MeauxJuly 29,2006Wake, NC
Erik SchaeferTiffany EnglishJuly 19,2008Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Schaefer

559th: Bartlett560th: McKee
561st: Morse562nd: Grimes
563rd: Richard564th: Barr
565th: Reilly566th: Snow
567th: Mayer568th: Beard

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