Schaeffer Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Schaeffer Genealogy & History

Schaeffer has its roots in the Middle High German word schaffaere, denoting a supervisor or manager. Some of the spellings include Schefer, Schaefers, Schefer, and Shaefer. Schaeffer is found first in early medieval times in the feudal society. Later, the family became known for its influence in politics, economics, and society. Schaeffer family history indicates Andreas Schaeffer was one of the first members of the family to migrate to America in 1709. Some members in Schaeffer genealogy include cartoonist and Megas XLR co-creator Jody Schaeffer; clarinetist and record producer John (Jack) Case Schaeffer II; and Lutheran clergyman and theologian Charles William Schaeffer.

Schaeffer Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Minerva Schaeffer-- --, 1922March 19,1998PA
B Louise Schaeffer-- --, 1913December 21,2005PA
C Sylveste Schaeffer-- --, 1917February 17,2003PA
Daisy Schaeffer-- --, 1916March 15,1999PA

Schaeffer Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Kathern Schaeffer-- --, 1916June 12,1988Petersburg,WV
F William Schaeffer-- --, 1914August 14,1991Wichita,KS
Gail Schaeffer-- --, 1917July 8,2002Dayton,KY
H Jean Schaeffer-- --, 1924November 7,2004Apollo,PA

Schaeffer Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alan SchaefferTanya DossOctober 6,2001Midland, TX
Brian SchaefferPamela SchaefferOctober 28,2002Wake, NC
Charles SchaefferKaren MayoDecember 12,2003Harris, TX
Dean SchaefferKaren BelkMay 20,1978Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Schaeffer

1663rd: Melvin1664th: Brantley
1665th: Steward1666th: Bain
1667th: Mott1668th: Jansen
1669th: Iverson1670th: Oakley
1671st: Tolbert1672nd: Parr

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