Schmid Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Schmid Genealogy & History

Schmid has its roots in Low German and is similar to Dutch. This occupational name indicates a person who worked with metal�that is, a smith. Some other spellings are Schmid, Schmitz, Schmied, and Smith. The family first emerged in medieval times in Prussia, becoming a notable family there. Schmid family history mentions Adam Schmid as the first known of the family to migrate to America; he settled in New York in 1709. Schmid genealogy includes chess grandmaster Lothar Maximilian Lorenz Schmid and decorated UK bomb disposal officer Olaf Sean George Schmid.

Schmid Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ad Schmid-- --, 1887March ,1975WA
Baldwin Schmid-- --, 1925September 15,1993NY
C Edward Schmid-- --, 1920December 15,1995CA
Dagmar Schmid-- --, 1951October 14,2009CA

Schmid Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Jacqueli Schmid-- --, 1922October 1,2002Haverhill,MA
Fannie Schmid-- --, 1893December ,1986Merrillan,WI
Gabriel Schmid-- --, 1985July 2,2006Grants Pass,OR
Hannah Schmid-- --, 1900July ,1973Oviedo,FL

Schmid Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron SchmidDanielle TranbergOctober 7,2006Tarrant, TX
Charles SchmidRamona LewisFebruary 10,2001El Paso, TX
Darrin SchmidChristine StanczakSeptember 2,1995Wake, NC
Eric SchmidTiffany BurkMay 18,2002Tarrant, TX

Most Common Surnames After Schmid

2188th: Durbin2189th: Hinds
2190th: Moulton2191st: Deaton
2192nd: Santana2193rd: Lawton
2194th: Ellsworth2195th: Stock
2196th: Rust2197th: Christianson

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