Shaver Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Shaver Genealogy & History

Shaver is German in origin, from the Middle High German term schaffaere, meaning the manager or steward of a household. An altered form is Schaefer, meaning shepherd, which itself descends from the Old High German scaphare. Shaver family history shows that the name was first identified with the feudal society that would become prominent in Europe, and the family was recognized as having great influence. Shaver genealogy indicates that the occupational Dutch name Schouwer, meaning an inspector of market weights and measures, is another variant, and Schaefer, Schaeffer, Schaeffers, and Schaffer are also in common use as surnames.

Shaver Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Shaver-- --, 1910August ,1995CA
Bailey Shaver-- --, 1911August ,1972AR
Cade Shaver-- --, 1910March ,1980NC
D Virginia Shaver-- --, 1921March 6,2004IN

Shaver Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Lorraine Shaver-- --, 1922December 22,2002Otisville,MI
F Roberta Shaver-- --, 1918January 31,2008Maryville,IL
Gabriel Shaver-- --, 1922July 25,2000Lilburn,GA
H Donovan Shaver-- --, 1917July 2,2009Charleston,WV

Shaver Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Bobby ShaverKeri FrickMay 20,2006Wake, NC
Donnie ShaverKathy AndersonFebruary 14,1982Wake, NC
Earl ShaverBrooke CellucciMay 19,2001Gregg, TX
Gary ShaverCheri CokerNovember 17,2001Bexar, TX

Most Common Surnames After Shaver

1679th: Atwood1680th: McGhee
1681st: Brewster1682nd: Sauer
1683rd: Waite1684th: Baron
1685th: Dowling1686th: Colbert
1687th: Keene1688th: Cutler

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