Sisson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Sisson Genealogy & History

Sisson is an English name with several possible origins. It could be locational, derived from the manor of Siston. Alternately, it could be derived from the medieval personal name Siss (short for Sisley) or Ciss (short for Cecilie or Cecilia, the patron saint of musicians). Sisson family history is first recorded with one Robert Cisson (an alternate spelling), who lived in Yorkshire in 1379. Sisson genealogy includes Edgar Sisson, the reporter who acquired the Sisson Documents, a set of papers that alleged Lenin and other Bolshevik leaders were in the pay of the German government during WWI; they are now thought to have been forgeries.

Sisson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Douglas Sisson-- --, 1918September 8,1991NY
B Delores Sisson-- --, 1929February 6,1998IL
Caddie Sisson-- --, 1901November ,1972CA
Dacy Sisson-- --, 1925November ,1981MS

Sisson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Wilamett Sisson-- --, 1907March 5,1990Dublin,OH
Fadana Sisson-- --, 1904March 10,2000Louisa,KY
Gail Sisson-- --, 1942November 23,1994Oxford,MI
H Allen Sisson-- --, 1917June 20,1996Palm Springs,CA

Sisson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
John SissonJane BradleyApril 11,1950Wake, NC
Verne SissonLinda PleasantsAugust 15,1981Wake, NC
Wyatt SissonConstance VarnerJuly 5,2003Wake, NC
Paul SissonRandi WallaceMarch 12,1977Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Sisson

2446th: Longo2447th: Switzer
2448th: Nagle2449th: Shore
2450th: Barclay2451st: Epperson
2452nd: Marlow2453rd: Asher
2454th: Lieberman2455th: Acevedo

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