Sommers Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Sommers Genealogy & History

Sommers is an English surname from the given name Somer, meaning summer, and also used as a nickname for particularly cheerful people. It might also come from the Middle English sumpter and Old French somier, meaning a pack animal driver. Sommers family history starts in 1203, when Adam Sumer was noted in the tax rolls of Essex. Sommers genealogy includes several notable people, such as Alberta Minister of Lands, Forests, and Mines Robert Sommers and writer and producer Jay Sommers.

Sommers Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Sommers-- --, 1900February ,1972NY
Barbara Sommers-- --, 1932December 10,2006ME
Calvin Sommers-- --, 1920October 16,2007OR
Dagny Sommers-- --, 1907March 8,2003WY

Sommers Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Dean Sommers-- --, 1920December 17,1997Wichita,KS
F Earl Sommers-- --, 1922October 27,2002Bayport,NY
G Henry Sommers-- --, 1924December 16,1998Brownstown,IN
Hallye Sommers-- --, 1909December ,1984Pike Road,AL

Sommers Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alton SommersKelsel ThompsonJune 20,2002Grayson, TX
Chester SommersDiane WoodsAugust 28,2004Austin, TX
Don SommersKozette WaltmonAugust 20,2005Sherman, TX
George SommersSheila KaufmanDecember 27,1973Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Sommers

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2407th: Pepper2408th: Patten
2409th: Thrasher2410th: Wheatley
2411th: Killian2412th: Redman
2413th: Rangel2414th: Guinn

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