Strauss Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Strauss Genealogy & History

Strauss is a German name with unclear origins. It could have originated as a nickname derived from the Middle High German word struz, meaning quarrel, given to a quarrelsome person or perhaps sarcastically to the opposite. It could also be derived from the Middle High German struze and modern German strauss, meaning ostrich; this could also have been a nickname to someone who looked like an ostrich or given to someone who lived in a house called Strauss. Strauss family history is first recorded in 1260 Schreiburg with Henricus Strus (an alternate spelling). Strauss genealogy includes classicist and political philosopher Leo Strauss.

Strauss Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aarena Strauss-- --, 1894June ,1977OH
Babette Strauss-- --, 1902October 27,1989NY
C Hazel Strauss-- --, 1906April ,1996CA
Daisy Strauss-- --, 1896July ,1976PA

Strauss Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Strauss-- --, 1917March 5,2004Zionsville,PA
Fae Strauss-- --, 1890September ,1980Far Rockaway,NY
Gail Strauss-- --, 1938January 28,2007Seattle,WA
Hana Strauss-- --, 1900October ,1987Miami Beach,FL

Strauss Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Louis StraussSeena DreyerSeptember 2,1947Wake, NC
Robert StraussPamela GermaniNovember 18,1989Wake, NC
William StraussAmelia PryorNovember 8,1948Wake, NC
Ian StraussJanine NeddermeyerSeptember 17,1988Potter, TX

Most Common Surnames After Strauss

1590th: Cope1591st: Waldron
1592nd: Hay1593rd: Alston
1594th: Sands1595th: Darling
1596th: Moseley1597th: Cabrera
1598th: Dietrich1599th: Fagan

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