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Vargas Genealogy & History

Vargas is a locational Spanish/Portugese surname. It could refer to someone from a town called Vargas or to someone who lived near a "varga", meaning a hut, a hillside, or a water meadows. As Varga, it is found outside of Spain, especially in Hungary, with a quite dissimilar meaning of cobbler. Vargas family history is one of nobility, comprised of two branches: de Vargas and de Vargas-Machuca, first found in Cantabria in north-central Spain, specifically the Santander province. American Vargas genealogy dates back to explorers in the 1560s to Peru and Hispaniola, with the most noted name-holder being Emiliano Vargas, former president of Nicaragua.

Vargas Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abdon Vargas-- --, 1926August 26,1999CA
Bald Vargas-- --, 1929December 12,1999NY
C Michaela Vargas-- --, 1932May 11,2004CA
Daisy Vargas-- --, 1960January 18,2002PR

Vargas Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Vargas-- --, 1930April 15,1996Fremont,CA
Fabian Vargas-- --, 1913April 10,1992Deming,NM
Gabier Vargas-- --, 1930July 22,2001Long Beach,CA
Harley Vargas-- --, 1961January 15,2006La Puente,CA

Vargas Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alfredo VargasGraciela HernandezJune 25,1993Wake, NC
Carlos VargasLaura RaifordMay 25,1996Wake, NC
Guillermo VargasElena HernandezFebruary 15,1995Wake, NC
Oswaldo VargasMayra CavazosOctober 24,2003Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Vargas

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749th: Estes750th: Bean
751st: Kaiser752nd: Shepard
753rd: Rush754th: Farley
755th: Winter756th: Lowery

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