Watson Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Watson Genealogy & History

Watson, an English-Scottish surname, is derived from the medieval German name "Waldhar" ("wald", meaning rule, "heri", meaning army), as were the surnames Walters, Waters, Watkins, and Watts. "Wat" is a pet form of Walter and "son" is a patronymic suffix, indicating son of Wat. In Watson family history, King Henry VIII granted Rockingham Castle in Rutland to Edward Watson, and John Watson settled in Virginia in 1620, the same year as the Mayflower voyage. Famous name holders in Watson genealogy include Americans James Watson, DNA discoverer and nobel prize winner, and Thomas Watson, founder of IBM. The motto, "Mea gloria fides", means "Faith is my glory."

Watson Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Brent Watson-- --, 1915November 26,2003SC
B Floyd Watson-- --, 1923November 3,2001AL
Clara Watson-- --, 1922June 30,2010KY
D Bruce Watson-- --, 1920March 2,2008NY

Watson Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Bradlee Watson-- --, 1915June 11,2001Hanover,NH
F Edward Watson-- --, 1923January 13,2002Mission,TX
G Allan Watson-- --, 1925March 30,2003Wilmington,NC
H Chester Watson-- --, 1917June 4,1994Lincoln University,PA

Watson Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Benjamin WatsonNancy MorrisDecember 27,1941Wake, NC
Edie WatsonMattie JonesMarch 30,1947Wake, NC
George WatsonAlice YoungNovember 27,1933Wake, NC
Leon WatsonAnne SheppardJanuary 25,1933Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Watson

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72nd: Price73rd: Russell
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76th: Foster77th: Powell
78th: Hernandez79th: Perry

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