Whitt Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Whitt Genealogy & History

Whitt is an English surname, with two main origins. It may be a nickname for someone with white hair or skin, from the Old English hwit, meaning white and further found in the given name Hwita. It might also be a name for someone living by a curve in a river or road from the Old English wiht and wican, meaning to bend. Whitt family history starts in 1038, when Thurcil Hwita was noted in the Old English Bynames of Herefordshire. Whitt genealogy includes Blue Jays catcher Ernie Whitt and pro golfer and coach Don Whitt.

Whitt Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Whitt-- --, 1932November 14,2008AL
B Pauline Whitt-- --, 1938November 10,2009WV
C Jack Whitt-- --, 1917December 2,1992CA
Daisy Whitt-- --, 1915March 11,2000AL

Whitt Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Irene Whitt-- --, 1920July 6,1997Rutledge,TN
Fame Whitt-- --, 1898June ,1985Smithfield,UT
Gail Whitt-- --, 1933November 8,1998Ardmore,AL
Hagood Whitt-- --, 1926July ,1986Greenville,SC

Whitt Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alvester WhittElsie CrudupOctober 31,1931Wake, NC
Christopher WhittMarketa BielaOctober 18,2007Wake, NC
Darnell WhittMildred PittmanJune 6,1936Wake, NC
Edwin WhittDiane ScottNovember 1,2000Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Whitt

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2037th: Falk2038th: Baughman
2039th: Templeton2040th: Coats

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