Willoughby Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Willoughby Genealogy & History

Willoughby descends from the pre-seventh-century Old English word wilig, meaning willow, and by (from the Norse byr), meaning an abode or village. The combination means someone who settles near the willows. The family motto is truth without fear. Sir William de Willoughby was a knight who was given lands in Lincolnshire and given the title of Willoughby de Eresby in 1313. Willoughby family history has Robert de Wilgebi as the first known recording of this name in the Early Yorkshire Charters in 1175. Some of the members of Willoughby genealogy include peace activist Lillian Willoughby; public administration scholar and author William F. Willoughby; and television presenter Holly Willoughby.

Willoughby Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abram Willoughby-- --, 1921November ,1982VA
Bailey Willoughby-- --, 1914February ,1981CA
C Lee Willoughby-- --, 1924March 3,2001MD
D Clarence Willoughby-- --, 1924May 1,1996AL

Willoughby Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Coral Willoughby-- --, 1914November 25,1988Muskegon,MI
Fancy Willoughby-- --, 1930November ,1977Seffner,FL
G Leo Willoughby-- --, 1924February 2,2009Decatur,IL
Haden Willoughby-- --, 1893July ,1974Douglasville,GA

Willoughby Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arthur WilloughbyReba MillerNovember 24,1984Wake, NC
Brent WilloughbyStephanie LanhamMarch 25,2000Dallas, TX
Craig WilloughbyHilda AlexanderApril 27,1973Wake, NC
Dock WilloughbyMartha RichardsonDecember 14,1933Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Willoughby

1884th: Farrar1885th: McGregor
1886th: Champion1887th: Dukes
1888th: Skelton1889th: Arndt
1890th: Blackmon1891st: Fournier
1892nd: Rocha1893rd: Napier

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