Winston Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Winston Genealogy & History

Winston is a topographical name, as are many surnames that come from Norman culture. Derived from the Old English word wynstan, meaning stone, it is likely that early members of the family inhabited areas close to mountainous regions. The first member of the Winston family history to arrive in the United States was Nicholas Winston, arriving in Barbados in 1654. Winston genealogy includes pianist George Winston; Broadway actress Hattie Winston; jeweler and Hope diamond owner Harry Winston; junior chess champion Peter Winston, who vanished at age 20; and Robin Winston, the first African-American chairman of the Indiana Democratic Party.

Winston Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Aaron Winston-- --, 1920July 17,1997NC
Bama Winston-- --, 1902September ,1995AL
C Carleton Winston-- --, 1903May 20,2000KS
Dabney Winston-- --, 1907May 27,1989NY

Winston Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Mildred Winston-- --, 1910May 12,2004Hampton,VA
Fannie Winston-- --, 1914March 30,2002High Point,NC
Gail Winston-- --, 1913April 7,1990Sarasota,FL
Hal Winston-- --, 1896December 12,1974Columbus,MS

Winston Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Artice WinstonMary HopkinsDecember 11,1935Wake, NC
Barry WinstonAnne TwiggsJanuary 17,1969Wake, NC
Charlie WinstonChristine MialOctober 6,1941Wake, NC
Duel WinstonShirley SmithDecember 23,1967Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Winston

1805th: Lorenz1806th: Ashby
1807th: Adamson1808th: Sizemore
1809th: Burr1810th: Woody
1811th: Chadwick1812th: Whitlock
1813th: Fair1814th: Youngblood

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