Ziegler Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Ziegler Genealogy & History

Ziegler is a German surname from the Middle High German ziegelbrenner, which means brick-maker and thus makes it an occupational surname. The family began in Bavaria but quickly spread to the south and southwest, where the occupying Romans had a great need for bricks as they constructed their settlements. Ziegler family history went to the New World with Hans Georg Ziegler, who sailed to America in 1622, though his precise destination is not recorded. Ziegler genealogy includes several well-known persons, such as Nobel laureate in chemistry Karl Ziegler, Canadian WWII General William Ziegler, and former NHL President John Ziegler.

Ziegler Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Addis Ziegler-- --, 1914April 15,1996PA
Barbara Ziegler-- --, 1929November 1,2006NY
Cacilia Ziegler-- --, 1928July 6,2007IL
Dagmar Ziegler-- --, 1922November 22,1992NY

Ziegler Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Paul Ziegler-- --, 1923June 8,2005Las Vegas,NV
F Carl Ziegler-- --, 1927May 8,2010Schwenksville,PA
Gail Ziegler-- --, 1918February ,1984Ford City,PA
H Paige Ziegler-- --, 1916September 9,2008Minneapolis,MN

Ziegler Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Aaron ZieglerBreanna PetersonJanuary 12,2008Wake, NC
David ZieglerKaren SpiveyFebruary 3,2001Wake, NC
Michael ZieglerRegina WootenJuly 4,1979Wake, NC
Thomas ZieglerGena SpikesDecember 27,1987Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Ziegler

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995th: Franks996th: Hinton
997th: Ott998th: McNeil
999th: Vega1000th: Sargent
1001st: Schulz1002nd: Marino

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