JFK Assassination Newspapers & Facts

President John F Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963, while riding in the presidential motorcade. Accused of committing the John F Kennedy assassination was Harvey Lee Oswald, although multiple conspiracy theories are still in existence regarding who was behind Oswald's plan. John F Kennedy newspaper accounts make up a large portion of the records relating to his assassination, as well as most of the evidence available through the Warren Commission, which was established on November 29, 1963 to investigate the assassination.

John F Kennedy assassination newspaper accounts summarized a great deal of the evidence examined by the Warren Commission, contained a myriad of photographs relating to the assassination, as well as the famous motion picture or moving images obtained by Abraham Zapruder of the assassination. After 1992, the evidence collected by the Warren Commission was ordered to be made available to the public, including records related to bullet fragments, Oswald's clothing and guns and the windshield from John F Kennedy's limo.

John F Kennedy Assassination Timeline

October 1963: Lee Harvey Oswald obtained a job working at the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas, located at the northwest corner of Elm and Houston Streets.

November 22, 1963; 12:30 pm: As the president's open limousine passed the Texas School Book Depository, shots were fired from a sixth floor window, and John F Kennedy was hit once in the neck and twice in the head.

November 22, 1963; 1:00 pm: John F Kennedy was pronounced dead.

November 22, 1963; 2:00-11:30 pm: Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested at the Texas Theatre and brought to the police department for questioning. He was interrogated and charged with the murder of Patrolman Tippit, and after three line-ups, he was charged with the president's assassination at 11:26 pm.

November 24, 1963; 11:21 am: Jack Ruby shot Oswald in the basement parking garage of the Dallas police department on the way to being transferred to county jail.

John F Kennedy Assassination Newspaper Articles

The Racine Journal-Times, published on November 22, 1963, was the John F Kennedy assassination newspaper edition that saddened America. John F Kennedy was an extremely popular president due to his charismatic demeanor and his ability to relate to the younger generation, as he was a young president himself. This John F Kennedy assassination newspaper edition led with the simple headline "Kennedy Slain." At the time of that printing, Lee Harvey Oswald had yet to become known.

JFK assassination newspaper articles

The shock over that tragic event is evident in the articles written in this John F Kennedy assassination newspaper, as the events are described with emotion over the president, as well as the husband and father who left behind a wife and two small children. Also wounded was Texas Governor John Connally, although the majority of the press coverage was regarding the president.

This John F Kennedy assassination newspaper reported that a dragnet was put on the city of Dallas in search of the sniper who killed the president. The article described the suspect as a white male in his 30s, weight around 165 pounds, about 5 feet 10 inches tall and with a slender build. The murder weapon was reported as a 30-30 rifle. Also mentioned was the fact that a Dallas police officer and a secret service agent were found shot and killed away from the assassination, but that no further information was known.

This John F Kennedy assassination newspaper edition also reported that the First Lady held her husband's bloody body as he was raced to the hospital. Also reported was the fact that the president received last rites from Catholic clergymen as doctors were attempting to save his life. Also speculated by the John F Kennedy newspaper edition was when Lyndon B Johnson would assume the office of president.

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