Texas, Johnson County Birth Records Index, 1812 - 1926

The Texas, Johnson County Clerk Birth Registers offers statistics and information on 36,206 records through its massive collection. The birth records included in this carefully prepared compilation are dated between 1812 and 1926, even before Johnson County was officially established, and they were put together and administered by the Johnson County Clerk's Office. Individuals can learn more information about the Texas, Johnson County Clerk Birth Registers by visiting the Johnson County Clerk's Office website.

Information Available In This Collection

The Texas, Johnson County Clerk Birth Registers index offers a variety of statistics on individuals born in the county, including the individual's first, middle and last name, the gender of the individual and the complete birth date. The location of the birth is also listed with the records. This information is carefully catalogued alphabetically, according to last, first and middle name. The document also features a registrar number, as well as a volume, book and page, for easy retrieval of the official certificate.

These birth records may not be accessed until at least 75 years after the official date of birth has passed. Because the most recent documents in this archive date all the way back to 1926, they are available for public scrutiny. Copies may be ordered directly from the website or by contacting the Johnson County Clerk's Office. Filing information like the registrar number will make the retrieval process go that much more efficiently.

About the Johnson County Clerk's Office

The records of the Texas, Johnson County Clerk Birth Registers have been compiled and are currently stored by the Johnson County Clerk's Office. To obtain original copies of the records of this collection, contact the Johnson County Clerk's Office at:

Johnson County Clerk
2 North Main Street
Cleburne, TX 76033

Each birth certificate on file at the Johnson County Clerk's Office features its own assigned registrar number, as well as the volume, book and page where the certificate is located. Those searching for individuals born in Johnson County will also find the personal statistics on the individual that are listed above.

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