Vietnam-Era Military Personnel Records, 1960's - 1970's

The Vietnam-Era Military Personnel Records is a huge archive that holds as many as 4,638,952 records in its massive collection. The records are dated during the 1960s and 1970s and include individuals who served in all branches of the military during this time frame. The archive does not indicate whether the individual actually served in the Vietnam War. All of the records in this archive were retrieved from the U.S. Department of Defense, where they are currently on file today. Individuals can learn more information about the Vietnam-Era Military Personnel Records by visiting the U.S. Department of Defense website.

Information Available In This Collection

The Vietnam-Era Military Personnel Records index includes information on persons who served in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps or the Navy during these two decades. Some of the personal statistics included on individuals in the file are last names, race, rank and the branch of the military where they served. Interested parties can also find the military occupation specialty code for the person, as well as the specialty title. The rank title and date of discharge are also listed.

About the U.S. Department of Defense

The records of the Vietnam-Era Military Personnel Records are held by the U.S. Department of Defense. To obtain original copies of the records of this collection, contact the U.S. Department of Defense at:

U.S. Department of Defense
1400 Defense Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20301-1400

Every record stored by the U.S. Department of Defense is located at the Pentagon - one of the largest office buildings in the world. This location is also home to the head of the Department of Defense, Robert Gates, as well as the high-ranking officials for all the branches of the United States military. Thousands of civilians also work here to support the military men and women. The U.S. Department of Defense enjoys an illustrious, albeit rather short history in this country. The agency was originally created the National Military Establishment in 1947, and it was changed to the Department of Defense in 1949.

The Vietnam-Era Military Personnel Records in the U.S. Department of Defense are recorded in alphabetical order according to the last name of the individual. You can also search for military personnel who served during this time frame with an enlistment date if you have that information available to you. Information like rank and branch can help you pinpoint your search to make it more accurate and efficient as well.

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