Bibb County, AL Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Bibb County vital recordsA Bibb County vital records request is processed through the VitalChek services here.. If you are interested in obtaining the vital records available, such as divorce, death, marriage, birth, as well as real estate records, you can access VitalChek to request this information or visit the Bibb County Vital Records website make more advanced requests. Bibb County does not have a direct website; instead you can visit the Bibb County Clerk office. Click on find the physical address.

Bibb County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Bibb County
8 Court Sq W, #A
Centerville, AL 35042
Hours of Operation: 8AM-5PM CST
Phone: 205-926-3104
Fax: 205-926-3131
Real Estate: 205-926-3108
Assessor: 205-926-3105
Treasurer: 205-926-3114
Elections: 205-926-3104
Other: 205-926-3102
Recording Officer: County Judge of Probate
Assessor Fax: 205-926-3125

Bibb County Marriage & Divorce Records

Bibb County Birth & Death Records

About Bibb County, Alabama

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