Bienville Parish, LA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Bienville Parish vital recordsThe Bienville Parish Clerk of Courts office keeps track of a number of records for the Parish, including but not limited to marriage records, birth and death records, bond records, corporate charters, and more. Their office address is 100 Court House Drive in Arcadia, LA, and their phone number is 318-263-2123. Bienville Parish also uses an online indexing system that is linked to from the main Parish website. It allows for online viewing and printing of civil, mortgage, and conveyance records. Civil records are available from 7/1/1989 to the present, conveyance records from 2/13/1913 to the present, and mortgage records from 1/1/1986 to the present. Using the system requires an initial $50 setup fee per computer accessing it, as well as a continuing $50 per month subscription fee. A $1 per page charge is also attached for each printed page accessed through the online database.

Bienville Parish Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Bienville Parish
100 Courthouse Dr, Rm 100
Arcadia, LA 71001-3600
Hours of Operation: 8:30AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 318-263-2123
Fax: 318-263-7426
Real Estate: 318-263-2123
Assessor: 318-263-2214
Treasurer: 318-263-2019
Recording Officer: Clerk of Court

Bienville Parish Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Bienville Parish - Clerk Of Court
Court House
Arcadia, LA 71001
Phone: (318)263-7405

Category: Courts
Bienville Parish - Court Reporter
100 Courthouse Drive
Arcadia, LA 71001
Phone: (318)263-7413


Bienville Parish Birth & Death Records

About Bienville Parish, Louisiana

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