Oklahoma Birth & Death Vital Records

Oklahoma birth death recordsState Bird: Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
State Flower: Mistletoe
State Name Language of Origin: Choctaw
State Name Meaning: Red people (Indian) territory
Admission to Union: 2877
Source: Wikipedia

Throughout the 19 century, more than 30 Native American tribes and nations settled in Oklahoma after being expelled from the ancestral homelands all around the United States. The Dawes Act in 1887 divided the lands of individual tribes into allotments for individual families and encouraged farming and private land ownership among Native Americans but also expropriated land to the federal government. Railroad companies took nearly half of land held by Native Americans within the territory for outside settlers and for purchase. The Department of Health has some Oklahoma birth records and Oklahoma death records dating from after October 1908, but they are not complete until 1940. Oklahoma vital records are available by application for a fee and with proper identification. Acceptable payment is personal check or money order.

For more information on Oklahoma vital records, visit Oklahoma Marriage & Divorce Vital Records

Oklahoma Vital Records Offices

Record Type: Birth Certificates
State Department of Health
Vital Records Service
1000 Northeast 10th
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: 405-271-4040
Fax: 405-232-3311

Business Hours: 8AM-4:30PM
Record Access Requirements: Must have a signed release from person of record or entitled family member. Email questions to [email protected].

Records Available: Death Records
State Department of Health
Vital Records Service
1000 Northeast 10th
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
Phone: 405-271-4040
Fax: 405-232-3311

Business Hours: 8AM-4:30PM
Record Access Requirements: Records are open to the public. Email questions to [email protected].
Note: Also, daytime phone number.

Records Available: State Archives
OK Department of Libraries
Archives & Records Management Divisions
200 NE 18th
Oklahoma City, OK 73105-3298
Phone: 405-522-3577
Fax: 405-525-7804

Business Hours: 8AM-5PM
Note: For genealogy records, contact the OK Historical Society, Wiley Post Historical Building, Oklahoma City OK 73105-4997, phone: 405-521-2491, FAX: 405-525-3272.

Oklahoma County Birth & Death Vital Records

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