Dakota County, MN Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Dakota County vital recordsDakota County makes its vital records available through the Permits and Licenses Department. There are six branches located within the county that birth and death certificates are available at, and three locations that deliver marriage records. Applications and instructions on how to obtain all are listed at their respective pages on the county website. The primary contact phone number for the Vital Statistics department is (651)438-4313. The Dakota County Historical Society is available for genealogy research. They offer a number of online databases which include marriage indexes, census searches, obituaries, and many others that are open to the public and free to use. Volunteers are also on call to help with research, and appointments can be scheduled by phone at (651) 552-7548 or email. While research assistance is free, donations of $15 per half hour are appreciated.

Dakota County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Dakota County
1590 Hwy 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Hours of Operation: 8AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 651-438-4355
Fax: 651-438-8176
Real Estate: 651-438-4355
Assessor: 651-438-4576
Treasurer: 651-438-4576
Recording Officer: County Recorder
Records Online: Real Estate, Deed, Lien, Mortgage
Assessor Fax: 651-438-4469
Assessor Website

Dakota County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Dakota County Court Adm
1560 Highway 55
Hastings, MN 55033
Phone: (651)438-8100

Dakota County Birth & Death Records

About Dakota County, Minnesota

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