Decatur County, IA Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Decatur County vital recordsDecatur County vital records can be requested online through VitalChek services. You may also request vital records such as birth certificates, death certificates and marriage certificates through Decatur County Records Office. Keep in mind the County does not have access to birth records, marriage records and death records between 1921 and 1941. If you are searching for vital records during this time frame the best place to look is the Iowa Bureau of Health Statics.

Decatur County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Decatur County
207 N Main St
Leon, IA 50144
Hours of Operation: 8AM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 641-446-4322
Fax: 641-446-7159
Assessor: 641-446-4314
Recording Officer: County Recorder
Records Online: Real Estate, Deed
Assessor Fax: 641-446-8632
Assessor Website

Decatur County Marriage & Divorce Records

Decatur County Birth & Death Records

About Decatur County, Iowa

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