Johnson County, NE Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Johnson County vital recordsWhile certain records for Johnson County are available at the local level, such as property, marriage, divorce, and others, vital records, such as births and deaths, are maintained by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services which has a vital records department in Lincoln, NE. The department services the needs of the whole state, rather than each county maintaining their own birth and death records, and they provide a variety of methods for qualified individuals to apply for them. Birth certificate applications are provided online, and they can also be submitted online, whereas death certificate applications can be filled out on a computer but must then be printed and mailed in. Both birth and death records are dated from 1904 to the present, and only ones dated older than 50 years are part of the public record.

Johnson County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Johnson County
PO Box 416
Tecumseh, NE 68450
Hours of Operation: 8AM-12:30PM, 1PM-4:30PM CST
Phone: 402-335-6300
Fax: 402-335-6311
Real Estate: 402-335-6300
Assessor: 402-335-6303
Treasurer: 402-335-6310
Elections: 402-335-6300
Recording Officer: County Clerk
Assessor Website
Assessor Address: 301 Broadway

Johnson County Marriage & Divorce Records

Johnson County Birth & Death Records

About Johnson County, Nebraska

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