Lewis County, WV Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Lewis County vital recordsBirth, death, and marriage records (1917 to the present) for Lewis County are available, to those who qualify, from the Vital Registration Office, usually for $12. The Lewis County Clerk maintains pre-1917 vital records. Eventually, records usually become public: birth records after 100 years; death, marriage, and divorce records after 50 years. The first Europeans explored present-day Lewis County in 1769 and began to settle there in 1770. In 1816, the county was created from Harrison County and named for Colonel Charles Lewis (killed fighting Shawnee and Mingo Native Americans in 1774). It was enlarged in 1818, including parts of what would become eight more counties.

Lewis County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Lewis County
PO Box 87
Weston, WV 26452
Hours of Operation: 8:30AM-4:30PM EST
Phone: 304-269-8215
Fax: 304-269-8202
Real Estate: 304-269-8215
Assessor: 304-269-8205
Treasurer: 304-269-8222
Elections: 304-269-8215
Vital Records: 304-269-8215
Other: 304-269-8216
Recording Officer: County Clerk
Assessor Fax: 304-269-8202

Lewis County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Lewis County - Court Clerk
Court House
Weston, WV 26452
Phone: (304)269-8215

Lewis County Birth & Death Records

About Lewis County, West Virginia

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