Wabasha County, MN Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Wabasha County vital recordsFounded in 1849, Wabasha County was established 9 years before Minnesota was actually established as a state, making it one of the oldest counties in the region. The county began recording vital statistics some years later, with land records being available dated from 1853, marriage records from 1865, and birth and death records both available from 1870. The County Recorder, in the town of Wabasha, MN, is the legal custodian for the county's records and vital statistics. Contact information is different depending upon what record is in question, and inquires regarding property records can be directed at (651)-565-3623, while vital records questions can be asked at (651)-565-3019. The office will supply the appropriate application forms for those who visit in person and need certified copies of records. The Wabasha County Historical Society also provides genealogical resources and is open on during the summers, from mid-May until mid-October, on Saturdays and Sundays only from 1:00PM until 4:00PM.

Wabasha County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Wabasha County
625 Jefferson Ave
Wabasha, MN 55981
Hours of Operation: 8AM-4PM CST
Phone: 651-565-3623
Fax: 651-565-2774
Real Estate: 612-565-3623
Assessor: 651-565-3669
Treasurer: 651-565-4410
Appraiser: 651-565-3660
Recording Officer: County Recorder
Note: The County Recorder also serves as the Registrar of Titles, Local Register and the County Driver's License agent.
Assessor Fax: 651-565-2774
Assessor Website

Wabasha County Marriage & Divorce Records - County Courts

Category: Courts
Wabasha County - Court System- Law Clerk- District Court Administration- Court Serv
625 Jefferson Avenue
Wabasha, MN 55981
Phone: (651)565-3060

Wabasha County Birth & Death Records

About Wabasha County, Minnesota

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