Wayne County, MO Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce Records

Wayne County vital recordsWayne County, named after General Anthony Wayne, a general in the Revolutionary War who earned the nickname "Mad Anthony" due to his over the top exploits, was founded in 1818, three years before Missouri was actually admitted as a state. The original borders of the county were massive, and very much larger than they are currently; in fact, 32 of the surrounding counties either got some or all of their area from what was originally Wayne County. The current county seat of Greenville was originally known as Cedar Cabin and was of the very first settlements in the region. Wayne County is served by the Health Center, as well as the Recorder of Deeds and Circuit Clerk for the collecting and dispensing of its records. All three agencies are in Greenville, and all are open to the public for research purposes.

Wayne County Recorder Office - Birth, Death, Marriage & Divorce Records

Wayne County
PO Box 47
Greenville, MO 63944-0047
Hours of Operation: 8:30AM-N; 1PM-4:30PM
Phone: 573-224-5600 x257
Fax: 573-224-5366
Assessor: 573-224-5600 x5
Treasurer: 573-224-5600 x7
Elections: 573-224-3011
Recording Officer: Recorder of Deeds
Assessor Fax: 573-224-3446
Assessor Address: 109 Walnut St

Wayne County Marriage & Divorce Records

Wayne County Birth & Death Records

About Wayne County, Missouri

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