Expert Series: Catholic Records, Reluctant Relatives, and Youth Workshops
by Amy Johnson CrowPosted on May 20, 2013
The Archives' Expert Series authors don't stop writing when the school year draws to a close! They have been hard at work writing great articles to help you discover more of your family history. Recent articles include Catholic records, hard-to-interview relatives, and creating a genealogy workshop for youth. Let's take a look!
Lisa Alzo shared with us "The 3 R's of Researching Roman Catholic Church Records." Follow Lisa's advice, and using Catholic church records won't feel so daunting. While you're reading her suggestions, be sure to look at the pictures of her dad and aunt!
Have you tried interviewing a relative who won't answer your questions? Sunny McClellan Morton has. Learn how she broke the ice in "Interviewing the Reluctant Relative." With a holiday weekend full of family gatherings coming up, now would be a good time to brush up on those interviewing techniques!
Genealogy is not only about the past. It is also about the future. Jennifer Holik gives us "3 Steps to Creating a Youth Genealogy Workshop." The kids will be out of school soon and looking for things to do! Jennifer's article will help you plan a great workshop, which will keep them busy and inspire them to continue climbing their family trees.
About the Expert Series
The Expert Series is a collection of articles from top genealogists around the country. The articles are aimed to help beginning and advanced family history enthusiasts alike solve common research problems, break-through brick walls, and learn how to improve their research techniques. Visit to learn more.
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