Organize Your Genealogy, Share a Family Tree, and More!
by Amy Johnson CrowPosted on April 19, 2013
The Expert Series authors have been a busy group! Recently, they have had articles about organizing your genealogy research (including using a virtual assistant), creating and sharing unique family trees, using Federal tax records, and more! Let's take a look at their recent articles.
Need to get your genealogy notes organized? We have two articles that can help! First, Jennifer Holik shares tips and tricks with "Two Tools to Analyze Your Genealogy Data: OneNote and Blogs." Thomas MacEntee delves into the topic with "Evernote: Your Virtual Genealogy Assistant." You're sure to get some great ideas for managing those notes!
Do you have ancestors who attended college? Sunny McClellan Mortan shows us how to "Research a Relative's College Days." There's more to look for than just yearbooks!
If you've wondered about the history of the Jewish people in the United States, be sure to read Jennifer M. Alford's article "How the Jews Came to America." It will give you great context for tackling Jewish research.
Tax season in the United States just ended and Diane L. Richard's article "Using Federal Direct Tax Records" was timely. Learn all about these underused records!
Why have a plain ol' ancestor chart to show the non-genealogists in your family? Get some creative ideas for family trees from Stephanie Pitcher Fishman's article "Not Just Lines on a Page: Family Trees to Display and Share."
How long will your genealogy data last? Thomas MacEntee tackles this important topic in "Is Your Genealogy Future Proofed?" Read it and go take action to save that precious data!
About the Expert Series
The Expert Series is a collection of articles from top genealogists around the country. The articles are aimed to help beginning and advanced family history enthusiasts alike solve common research problems, break-through brick walls, and learn how to improve their research techniques. Visit learn more.
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