See You at FGS in Fort Wayne
by Amy Johnson CrowPosted on August 13, 2013
Next week, genealogists from across the nation will be gathering in Fort Wayne, Indiana for the Federation of Genealogical Societies' annual conference, and will be joining them! Beginning next Wednesday, August 21, there will be numerous sessions at the Grand Wayne Convention Center devoted to learning more ways to discover your history and heritage. Add some fun social events and getting together with other genealogists, and it's certain to be a great time! will be in the exhibit hall Thursday through Saturday. Be sure to stop by and say "Hi!" We will be happy to answer any questions you have about the collections and features on the site. (And, if history is an indication, there just might be chocolate to be found in the booth!)
We will also be sponsoring three sessions during the conference, all presented by Amy Johnson Crow:
- Finding and Keeping Volunteers, Wednesday, 9:30am
- Thinking Outside the Box: Creative Thinking for Your Society, Wednesday, 2:00pm
- Buckeye Beginnings: An Introduction to Ohio Research, Thursday, 3:30pm
While you're in Fort Wayne, you have to go to the acclaimed Genealogy Center at the Allen County Public Library, which is the largest genealogy collection in a public library in the United States. It is conveniently located across the street from the Grand Wayne Convention Center, where the conference will be held. And if you've ever dreamed of being locked in a library, the conference gives you the next best thing: extended hours! Conference attendees will have access to the Genealogy Center will be open Wednesday 9:00am-midnight; Thursday and Friday, 7:00am-midnight; and Saturday 7:00am-6:00pm. [Note: evening hours on Friday is ticketed event, with proceeds going to the Preserve the Pensions! War of 1812 pension digitization project.]
It's not too late to sign up for this great event! Online registration is open through Wednesday, August 14. After that, you can register at the conference.
We look forward to seeing you at the FGS conference in Fort Wayne!
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