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Kansas Marriage Index, 1854-73 Source: Carpenter, Linda. Kansas Marriage Index, 1854-73 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 1998.
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Following the Civil War, Kansas experienced a population boom as immigrants and settlers moved into the area. This database is a collection of marriage records for the state before and during these growth years. It contains the records for nearly 22,000 marriages. The names were extracted from LDS microfilms and local newspapers. Each entry shows the names of spouses, date of marriage, county in which the record is kept, and reference information about the source.This database is not intended to be complete and although the record was kept by one county, the marriage may have been performed in another. The following is a statistical breakdown of records in the database per county: No county named 195, Allen 216, Anderson 2, Andrew 1, Atchison 31, Ballard 1, Bourbon 9, Breckenridge 12, Brown 13, Buchanan 1, Butler 815, Calhoun 1, Callaway 1, Canadawest 1, Chase 2, Cherokee 1041, Clark 283, Cloud 1, Coffey 1, Crawford 8, Dickinson 4741, Doniphan 56, Douglas 119, Ford 1, Franklin 2, Geary 1, Genesee 1, Gray 1, Greenwood 4, Harper 1, Holt 1, Hunter 1, Jackson 11, Jefferson 29, Johnson 10, Kingman 1, Leavenworth 99, Leroy 1, Lincoln 2, Linn 9, Lykins 1, Madison 7, Marshall 2, McDonald 1, McGee 1, Meade 1, Miami 7, Morris 3, Nemaha 1, Neosho 3005, Osage 9, Osawatomi 1, Osborn 8, Pattawatomi 17, Platte 5, Ray 1, Republic 1, Riley 3, Shawnee 57, St. Louis 1, Vernon 2, Warren 1, Washington 1, Wilson 1, Woodson 2.

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