Expert Series Authors
Qualified and avid genealogists eager to help with the preservation of family histories all over the world.Pamela Abramson

Pamela Abramson Grisman is an expert in an important aspect of genealogy: oral histories and chronicling life stories.
Jennifer M. Alford

Jennifer Alford is a traffic engineer by day and a professional genealogist and lecturer by night. She specializes in researching the Midwest states and Jewish resources.
Lisa Alzo

Lisa A. Alzo, M.F.A. is a writer and genealogist specializing in Eastern European research, finding female ancestors, and writing family history.
Char McCargo Bah

Char McCargo Bah has two undergraduate degrees and a certificate in Legal Research Investigation.
Jen Baldwin

Jen Baldwin specializes in Rocky Mountain Corridor research. She is a speaker, a writer for several publications, and is active in the historical and preservation community.
Carolyn L. Barkley

Carolyn L. Barkley received her B.A. from Wellesley College in 1969 and her Masters in Library Science from the University of Pittsburgh in 1971.
Karin D. Berry

Karin D. Berry specializes in African-American genealogy research methods. Her work been published in Essence, Black Enterprise, and several leading newspapers.
Joe Bilby

Joseph G. Bilby received his BA and MA degrees in history from Seton Hall University and served as a lieutenant in the First Infantry Division in Vietnam in 1966-1967.
Jeanne Larzalere Bloom

Jeanne Larzalere Bloom, Certified Genealogist(SM), is a full-time professional researcher specializing in problem solving and compiling multi-generational family histories.
Sherri Bradley

I've been volunteering with genealogy projects and societies since I began my online research. I started by hosting a county in the KY Archives, then moved on to a county site.
Kathleen Brandt

Kathleen Brandt has over ten years of experience in genealogical research and is called on for nationwide documentation retrieval and research.
Claudia Breland

Claudia Breland began doing genealogical research over 35 years ago, when she inherited the family papers from her paternal grandfather. During college at Florida State University...
Lilly Cleveland

Lilly majored in American History at Boston University. During that time, she researched the Royal Governor of New Hampshire, Benning Wentworth.
Debra Clifford

Debra Clifford is the mayor of Ancestorville Genealogy, a facebook fan page devoted to genealogy, family photos, antiques and American history.
Amy Coffin

Amy Coffin, MLIS, draws on her library experience and education to find the best options for research, communication, organization and storage of genealogical information.
Rose Cohen

Dr. Rose Lerer Cohen is a family and lineage researcher, writer and lecturer. She is a member of APG. She has been researching her Lithuanian ancestors for almost 20 years.
Laura H. Congleton

Laura is a NYC-based professional genealogist with more than 20 years experience in family history research. Over the years, she has helped clients with research on a number of topics...
Glen Covert

Glen W. Covert, M.A., a social scientist, has researched genealogy and family history for over 20 years. His genealogical research and writing are informed by his multidisciplinary interests...
Amy Johnson Crow

Amy Johnson Crow, CG, MLIS, is an author, lecturer, and a Genealogical Content Manager for
Jim Dane

Jim Dane has just signed on with Hellgate Publishing for a new book that will come out in February 2012. His passion for genealogy has taken him all over the country...
Schelly Talalay Dardashti

A native New Yorker based in Tel Aviv, Schelly Dardashti focuses on Jewish genealogy as a journalist, researcher, blogger, online instructor and international speaker.
Frankie Davis

Frankie Davis is President of American Ancestors, full-blooded Navajo Indian and enrolled in the Navajo Nation. American Ancestors is located in Provo, Utah.
June C. DeLalio

June C. DeLalio is a Board Certified Genealogist specializing in the field of Italian family history. She has been researching family histories in the United States and in Europe for almost 20 years.
Don Edwards

Donald Edwards is a published California writer and professional genealogist. He has written genealogical articles for...
Martin Fischer

Martin Fischer has been doing family history research since the 1970s. He worked for more than 30 years as a copy editor at the Chicago Tribune.
Stephanie Pitcher Fishman

Stephanie Pitcher Fishman is a freelance editor, writer, and researcher. She specializes in Midwestern and Southeastern U.S. family history, specifically in Ohio and Georgia.
Colleen Fitzpatrick

Colleen Fitzpatrick, PHD is a real-life CSI detective who has helped crack the most compelling mysteries of our time.
Robert J. Friedman

Robert J. Friedman is a frequent speaker and workshop leader at synagogues, Jewish Community Centers, Jewish genealogical societies, libraries and other organizations.
Katharine Garstka

Katharine Garstka, researcher and writer for more than 30 years, turned her attention to genealogy about ten years ago.
David Haas

Dave brings fifteen years of experience in genealogy research and writing experience. He is a colorful writer, researcher and lecturer on several topics in genealogy.
Michael Hait

Michael Hait, CG(sm), is a full-time professional genealogist, with over fifteen years of research experience across the United States.
Harold Henderson

Harold Henderson, CG, of Indiana, has been a professional writer since 1979, a genealogist since 1999, a professional genealogist since 2009 and a Board-certified genealogist since June 2012.
Nancy Hendrickson

Nancy Hendrickson, author of thirteen non-fiction books, and over 300 magazine and newsletter articles, is a Contributing Editor for Family Tree Magazine.
Mike Henry

Mike W. Henry (MA-Ed) has been conducting genealogical research for more than 30 years, getting his start as a teenager when his great-great aunt, the family historian, came to live with him...
Jennifer Holik

Jennifer Holik is a professional genealogist, lecturer, and author with over 20 years of research and writing experience.
Martin E. Hollick

Martin E. Hollick is a professional genealogist and the author of "New Englanders in the 1600s: A Guide to Genealogical Research published between 1908 and 2005".
Susan Jackman

With nearly 20 years experience as a consultant at the Sacramento California Family History Center, Susan has solved literally thousands of genealogical puzzles.
Tina Jones

Tina C. Jones is an award-winning researcher, published author and biographer, teacher, musician and lecturer. She is currently a Principal at American Roots and a registered researcher...
George Joynson

George Joynson, MBA, is the author of "Murders in Monmouth: Capital Crimes from the Jersey Shore's Past", published by The History Press of Charleston, South Carolina.
Roberta King

Roberta "Bobbi" King was born and raised in Nebraska, and now lives in Lakewood, Colorado. Her specialty area of research is the homestead records, about which she writes and speaks.
Heather Kramer

Heather Kramer, MLIS, CA, is a librarian and certified archivist who has been researching and writing about her family's history since she was a youngster.
Ruth Lang

Ruth Lang is a Board-certified Genealogist and owner of Lang Historical Research, based in Fresno, California. She specializes in Central California genealogical and historical research.
Lisa Lee

A professional genealogist, Lisa B. Lee is the owner of, where she publishes a monthly newsletter, the Got Genealogy Gazette
Lou Liberty

Lou Liberty, historian, author and storyteller, was twice awarded National Endowment for Humanities Fellowships researching Medieval lives in England and Italy.
Andy Likins

A family historian based in Colorado, Andy Likins has been researching his family tree for over 25 years. He has a bachelor's degree in history and a master's in teaching English.
Linda Lorda

Linda has worked as a Professional Genealogist for more than twenty years, primarily in San Francisco, California.
Laura Cosgrove Lorenzana

Laura Cosgrove Lorenzana is a Consulting Archivist, genealogist, and writer. She earned a BA in Art History with a Certificate in Museum Studies from University of Illinois at Chicago.
J. Mark Lowe

J. Mark Lowe, CG, FUGA is a full-time professional genealogist, author, and lecturer, and specializes in Southern research.
Daniel M. Lynch

Dan Lynch authored the award-winning genealogy book "Google Your Family Tree". A popular International presenter at genealogy conferences and workshops, his articles have appeared in...
Thomas MacEntee

Thomas MacEntee is a genealogist specializing in the use of technology and social media to improve genealogical research...
Betty Malesky
Betty Lou Malesky's working career was spent in accounting but her heart was always in genealogy. Vacations and weekends since 1963 were often spent doing family research.
John K. Maniha

John Maniha holds a PhD in sociology and is a Certified Genealogist doing client research.
Craig Manson

Craig Manson is an expert in law and public policy currently employed as general counsel to a public agency in California. He describes himself as having a "checkered past."
Charles S. Mason, Jr.

Charles S. "Chuck" Mason, Jr., CG SM is a Certified Genealogist SM, specializing in Southern New Jersey and 19th and 20th Century Death Records.
Katrina McQuarrie

Katrina McQuarrie is a Gen Y genealogist who has been scanning microfilm since she was able to read.
Sarah More

Sarah More has a four-year Bachelor of Arts degree in History plus one year of post-graduate work. She has over twenty years of experience in genealogical research...
Sunny McClellan Morton

Sunny McClellan Morton is a genealogy writer who loves helping other people document their personal and family stories. She has degrees in both History and Humanities.
Gena P. Ortega

Gena Philibert Ortega holds a Master's degree in Interdisciplinary Studies (Psychology and Women's Studies) and a Master's degree in Religion.
Peggy Patrick

Peggy is a member of the Association of Professional Genealogists (APG), indexes records for, is a Find a Grave photo volunteer, and is always on the lookout for...
Marjory Allen Perez

Marjory Allen Perez, a certified genealogist since 2001, has been involved in family history research for over 30 years.
Jeannette Piecznski

Jeannette Piecznski is a professional genealogist, lecturer and author. She works with heirship companies and attorneys to locate missing heirs and kinship determination.
Michael Pollock

Michael Pollock has been a professional genealogist since 1974 when he joined the staff of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
Melody K. Porter

Melody Porter has been researching her genealogy for 20 years. Escaping to Thomasville, Georgia, she is pursuing genealogy as a researcher, lecturer and genealogy writer.
Diane Rapaport

Diane Rapaport is a professional genealogist, historical consultant, award-winning author, popular speaker (and former trial lawyer). She holds a J.D., magna cum laude...
Craig Rice

Craig Rice has been doing genealogy research for over 40 years and researching professionally for the last 6 years. He got his bachelors degree from the University of Michigan...
Diane L. Richard

Diane L. Richard has been researching the genealogy of her family, her husband's family and client families for over 22 years.
Anne Roach

Anne Roach, AG, CG ℠, current Director of Content Development for Inflection's, has 18 years of genealogical research experience...
James Tanner

Mr. Tanner served an LDS mission in Argentina, graduated in Spanish and Linguistics at the University of Utah...
Maureen A. Taylor

Maureen A. Taylor is an internationally recognized expert on the intersection of history, genealogy, and photography. She has been featured in top media outlets, including...
Patricia Thompson

Patricia Dingwall Thompson, a national board Certified Genealogist, has been passionately involved in genealogical research for the past 15 years.
Nik Walker

Nik Walker is a London based writer and Genealogist. After 10 years researching family history, his amateur interests in genealogy were too much to ignore and...
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