Debra Clifford
Debra Clifford is the mayor of Ancestorville Genealogy, a facebook fan page devoted to genealogy, family photos, antiques and American history. The town has daily genealogy chats, special events and thousands of active daily members. Debra is also the owner of Ancestorville, an online antique store with over 5,000 identified lost family photos, and 10,000 more to be added. Ancestorville has resulted in many wonderful genealogy reunions of lost family material. Raised by antique dealer parents, Debra been passionate about the 19th century since a small child, especially early photography and ephemera. She also owns Vintage Poster Works, a vintage advertising gallery, and has traveled and exhibited at major American antique shows for 20 years. Debra has a MS in Education, and lives in the historic Hudson Valley of New York.Articles by this author
Favorite genealogy quote:
Mark Twain once remarked that he spent $25 to research his family tree, and then he had to spend $50 to cover it up
What are your specific genealogical interestsAmerican history, especially 19th century and Civil War era Antiques & Early Photography
What got you into genealogy?Raised by antique dealer parents, was out at flea markets handling early objects from a young age, loved old photos and early object even when young
Most surprising genealogical find:I was happy and shocked to provide reunions of families with their lost family photos, bibles and antique ephemera, which made me want to find more!
If you could find the family history of any historical great, who would it be and why?Abraham Lincoln is my hero, would love to connect with genealogy items related to him
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