Martin E. Hollick

Martin E. Hollick is a professional genealogist and the author of New Englanders in the 1600s: A Guide to Genealogical Research published between 1908 and 2005. He holds a M.S. from Simmons College in Library and Information Science, and an A.B. from Bowdoin College. His articles on genealogy have been published several leading journals. Martin is also the associate editor for the Mayflower Descendant. He blogs at Homodox, The Slovak Yankee, and has his own genealogical webpage.
Articles by this author
Favorite genealogy quote:
"Any man has had countless myriads of ancestors and among them any number of rich men and beggars, kings and slaves, Greeks and barbarians"—Plato
What are your specific genealogical interests?New England colonial genealogy is my forte although I'm interested in many variants including Irish, Slovak, Atlantic Canadian, and Midwestern genealogy. I'm also an expert on English origins of New England immigrants of the 17th century.
What got you into genealogy?When I was younger, I told my grade school teacher that my ethnicity was half Slovak and half Maine and she replied that Maine couldn't be an ethnicity. She had obviously not been there!
Most surprising genealogical find:The 1878 Catholic dispensation (in Latin) for my great-great- grandparents to marry. He was a Baptist and she Catholic.
If you could find the family history of any historical great, who would it be and why?It would be probably be the definitive ancestry of Lincoln's mother Nancy Hanks. Lincoln is our greatest president and so much is written about him, it is inconceivable that we still don't know his grandparents with certainty.
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