Katrina McQuarrie

Katrina McQuarrie

Katrina McQuarrie is a Gen Y genealogist who has been scanning microfilm since she was able to read. A nine generation fan chart of her ancestors replaced her treasured Backstreet Boys poster when she was in her early teens. After half a decade working in a library and two years of Medieval history courses, she gave in to her inner geek and now writes about ways to take your genealogy to the next level on her blog, Kick-Ass Genealogy. She is keenly interested in connecting with other young family historians and can also be reached via e-mail.

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Favorite genealogy quote:

Old genealogists never die, they just lose their census.

Specific genealogical interests:

Placing ancestors in context, evaluating evidence, and creative presentation methods.

What got you into genealogy:

Sitting down with Mom's photo albums and listening to the stories she told.

Most surprising genealogical find:

My husband's great-grandfather had a wooden leg!

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