Abbott Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Abbott Genealogy & History

Abbott is an occupational surname of Old English origin, likely derived from the Aramaic (biblical) "abba" meaning "father." An abbot is the head of an abbey or monastery; however, the name does not come from abbots themselves, who were celibate, but rather persons employed in the abbey. It was also a descriptive name, bestowed on someone considered overly pious. Variations include Italian Abate, Spanish Abad, and German Abt. The Abbott family history includes comedian Bud Abbott and pharmaceutical giant Abbott Laboratories. American Abbott genealogy traces back to several of the earliest immigrants to America in the 1630s on Winthrop's fleet to Massachusetts.

Abbott Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Doyle Abbott-- --, 1913December 5,1994WA
Bamer Abbott-- --, 1915October ,1982FL
C Cushman Abbott-- --, 1915January 7,1995ME
Daniel Abbott-- --, 1949July 2,2010CA

Abbott Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Gilman Abbott-- --, 1920June 13,2008Mercer Island,WA
F Dewitt Abbott-- --, 1909June 22,1990Colorado Springs,CO
G Warren Abbott-- --, 1913September 23,2007Fort Wayne,IN
H Allan Abbott-- --, 1932April 14,2005Cartersville,GA

Abbott Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Benjamin AbbottKay NewsomMarch 25,1966Wake, NC
Dennis AbbottJoann FlesherJuly 28,1995Wake, NC
Frank AbbottElsie WhiteJuly 23,1940Wake, NC
Paul AbbottLura CavanaughJanuary 23,1940Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Abbott

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474th: Lindsey475th: O'Neill
476th: Nash477th: Chase
478th: Glover479th: Hampton
480th: Underwood481st: Friedman

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