Adair Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Adair Genealogy & History

The motto of the Adair family is the Latin phrase loyal a mort, meaning loyal to death. Like many surnames that find their origin in Scotland, Adair is a patronymic name derived from the given name Edgar, meaning prosperity. Non-standardized spellings and periodic translations into Gaelic account for the varied spellings of Adair including Odeir, Edzear, and Adare. The first member of the Adair family history to settle in the United States was Thomas Adair in 1730. Famous members of the Adair genealogy include physicist and Yale University professor Robert Kemp Adair and surveyor John Adair.

Adair Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Alan Adair-- --, 1926June 26,1997CA
Bailey Adair-- --, 1924August ,1996OH
C Douglas Adair-- --, 1923August 28,1998MA
Daisey Adair-- --, 1905June ,1982AR

Adair Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Earl Adair-- --, 1916May 29,1992Forest City,NC
F Jeanne Adair-- --, 1918December 9,2003Walla Walla,WA
Gabie Adair-- --, 1910February 17,2000Aberdeen,MS
H Wayne Adair-- --, 1930April 13,2001Sperry,OK

Adair Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Adam AdairTiffany HidalgoFebruary 16,2001Harris, TX
Billy AdairTina HamiltonDecember 29,2000Sabine, TX
Sibley AdairEunice NewtonJuly 13,1946Wake, NC
James AdairDeborah MasseyDecember 16,1966Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Adair

1610th: Kowalski1611th: Solis
1612th: Oakes1613th: Hauser
1614th: McGovern1615th: Judd
1616th: Gabriel1617th: Crowell
1618th: Landers1619th: Schrader

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