Alexander Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Alexander Genealogy & History

Alexander is probably the most popular name worldwide, with the given name the more common. Deriving from the ancient Greek compound "alex" (meaning "defender") and "andros" (meaning "(of) man"), it was bestowed on the Greek goddess Hera as a title. Alexander family history traces directly to Alexander the Great, whose military conquests resulted in the largest empire in the ancient world (356-323 BC). Alexander is likely the best example of the spread of battle-related Indo-European names, resulting in variations as disparate as Chinese Yalishanda, Arabic Iskandar, Hawaiian Alika, Hindi Alakshendra, Japanese Arekisanda, Manx Alastar, Scottish MacAllister, Yiddish Sender, impeding Alexander genealogy research.

Alexander Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Arva Alexander-- --, 1922August 17,2010TX
B Claire Alexander-- --, 1910October 22,2008ID
C Albert Alexander-- --, 1923April 21,1993OH
D Allen Alexander-- --, 1927September 15,1994NC

Alexander Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Arlene Alexander-- --, 1922November 19,2007Goodfield,IL
F Caroll Alexander-- --, 1923October 15,2005Burlington,NC
G Louise Alexander-- --, 1925March 4,2002Scottsdale,AZ
H Coleen Alexander-- --, 1920August 7,2003Overland Park,KS

Alexander Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Ashby AlexanderMabel GoochOctober 26,1935Wake, NC
George AlexanderMariah TemplesNovember 24,1934Wake, NC
Robert AlexanderCarrie PrinceApril 26,1935Wake, NC
Joseph AlexanderLucille RiggsbeeJune 23,1946Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Alexander

109th: Schmidt110th: Wagner
111th: Gibson112th: Harrison
113th: Marshall114th: Wells
115th: Burns116th: Ford
117th: Stone118th: Perez

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