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Anderson Genealogy & History
Anderson is an Scottish patronymic surname, meaning son of Andrew, derived from the Greek name "Andreas", meaning manly. Andrew is the name of Jesus' first disciple as well as the patron saint of both Russia and Scotland. Anderson family history reputedly dates to ancient Dalriadan clans, and the ancient family seat (feudal manor) was in Strathspey. Anderson genealogy links to MacGhille Andreis, servant to the patron St. Andrew. Variations in name spellings include Andress, Andriss, Enderson, Kendrew, McAndrew. While the first emigrants to America were to New York in 1600, some Scandinavian emigrants may have Americanized their name to Anderson.
Anderson Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Adele Anderson | -- --, 1930 | May ,1990 | MA |
B Don Anderson | -- --, 1912 | April 26,1995 | OR |
C Allen Anderson | -- --, 1942 | December 31,1992 | NY |
D Bob Anderson | -- --, 1916 | January 15,1999 | TX |
Anderson Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Adene Anderson | -- --, 1904 | October ,1980 | Watsonville,CA |
F Ann Anderson | -- --, 1923 | June 19,1990 | Muncie,IN |
Gretchen Anderson | -- --, 1966 | June 29,2010 | Apple Valley,CA |
H Belle Anderson | -- --, 1924 | February 9,2010 | Springfield,MO |
Anderson Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Charlie Anderson | Mary Hill | January 2,1942 | Wake, NC |
Johnnie Anderson | Rhoda Rogers | October 8,1931 | Wake, NC |
Lester Anderson | Maggie Yorn | September 29,1932 | Wake, NC |
Ray Anderson | Margaret Britt | August 3,1935 | Wake, NC |
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