Arnold Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Arnold Genealogy & History

Arnold is a German and English name, derived from the compound "arn", meaning "eagle", and "wald", meaning "rule". Only two animals were used in German heraldry: the eagle, representing the Holy Roman Empire, and the lion, representing feudal lords. The distinguished name "eagle-ruler" spread rapidly throughout northern-Europe during the Dark Ages, resulting in various spellings in Arnold genealogy, including Ernaldi in 1086 in England and Arnoldt in Germany in 1282. The most infamous in Arnold family history is American Revolution general and traitor Benedict Arnold (1741-1801). Some suggest the name ironically derives from "ehre" meaning honor and "hold" meaning faithful.

Arnold Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Boyd Arnold-- --, 1913February ,1985OK
B Charles Arnold-- --, 1935December 10,2004NY
C Bernard Arnold-- --, 1920February 24,2003PA
D Duncan Arnold-- --, 1915May 13,1995IL

Arnold Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Arline Arnold-- --, 1914March 20,1994North Canton,OH
F Alyse Arnold-- --, 1923January 4,2008Melbourne,FL
G Laverne Arnold-- --, 1922April 10,2007Longwood,FL
H Douglas Arnold-- --, 1921February 10,2004New Orleans,LA

Arnold Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alex ArnoldJanie ProctorJune 30,1945Wake, NC
Bennie ArnoldMary CurrenDecember 25,1932Wake, NC
Erik ArnoldCarrie HardeeMay 3,2008Wake, NC
Frederic ArnoldMartha SmithMay 16,1987Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Arnold

156th: Weaver157th: Gardner
158th: Hart159th: Boyd
160th: Stephens161st: Hicks
162nd: Pierce163rd: Carroll
164th: O'Brien165th: Holmes

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