Atkins Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest
Atkins Genealogy & History
Atkins, equivalent to Adkins, literally means "son of little Adam", as Adams Jr. is used in 21st-century America. A patronymic name, "Ad(e)" is a diminutive form of the biblical name Adam, meaning "red earth", and Old English "kin" is a diminutive suffix meaning "little". The change from "d" to "t" was simply dialectic, and the ending "s" indicates patronymism. The Atkins family history originated in Westmoreland/Northumberland, where the Atkinses had a family seat. The family motto is "vincit cum legibus arma", meaning "he wins over violence with laws". The earliest American Atkins genealogy traces back to Barbados in the 1630s.
Atkins Birth Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
A Clay Atkins | -- --, 1928 | December 11,2001 | VA |
B Hugh Atkins | -- --, 1917 | February 2,2006 | TN |
C Clyde Atkins | -- --, 1914 | March 11,1999 | FL |
D Raymond Atkins | -- --, 1929 | September 7,1991 | WV |
Atkins Death Records
Name | Birth Date | Death Date | Location |
E Gary Atkins | -- --, 1920 | March 2,1993 | Jacksonville,FL |
F Eliska Atkins | -- --, 1939 | November ,1978 | Tulsa,OK |
Gabe Atkins | -- --, 1893 | June ,1971 | Washburn,TN |
H Jean Atkins | -- --, 1921 | December ,1979 | Garland,TX |
Atkins Marriage Records
Name | Spouse | Marriage Date | Location |
Bruce Atkins | Blanche Stewart | January 26,1942 | Wake, NC |
Charles Atkins | Hannah Diggs | May 24,1943 | Wake, NC |
David Atkins | Helen Taylor | August 26,1978 | Wake, NC |
Edward Atkins | Fannie Stallings | January 2,1931 | Wake, NC |
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