Babb Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Babb Genealogy & History

Babb is an English name with several possible origins. It was most likely derived from the Middle English nickname bab(e), which means baby. However, it could also have been taken from the Old English personal name Babba or even the Old English female personal name Babb(s), which is a pet form of Barbara. Babb family history is first recorded with one Alwinus Babbe (an alternate spelling), who lived in Suffolk in 1198. Babb genealogy in America began with Edward Babb, who came to Virginia in 1639.

Babb Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abb Babb-- --, 1898May ,1972AL
B Jeanne Babb-- --, 1918July ,1993OH
C Hesley Babb-- --, 1922July 18,2005MI
Dain Babb-- --, 1913November ,1978OK

Babb Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ea Babb-- --, 1924October ,1984New Orleans,LA
Faith Babb-- --, 1904March 27,1988Trenton,MO
Galen Babb-- --, 1933July 10,2003Fort Wayne,IN
H Edgar Babb-- --, 1924March 24,2005Santee,CA

Babb Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Arthur BabbLilla KingApril 28,2001Delta, TX
Daniel BabbHeidi CrouseJune 24,2000Smith, TX
Edward BabbJule ConklingSeptember 23,1979Wake, NC
Gary BabbClaudia HerringSeptember 29,2001Collin, TX

Most Common Surnames After Babb

2317th: Wisniewski2318th: Trahan
2319th: Stack2320th: Keener
2321st: Byrnes2322nd: Scarborough
2323rd: Moe2324th: Vann
2325th: Cornwell2326th: Starks

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