Bartholomew Family History

Bartholomew Genealogy & History

Bartholomew is an English surname from the Aramaic son of Talmai. Talmai itself either comes from telem (furrow) or is a Hebrew version of Ptolemy; thus Bartholomew is either son of furrows (that is, rich in land) or son of Ptolemy. Bartholomew family history notes that this surname has hundreds of spellings, including Bart, Barta, Bartomieu, Bertome, Bartos, and Berthelemot. Robert Bartelmeu was recorded in the rolls of the county of Huntingdonshire in 1273, while Mary Bartholomew who settled in Virginia in 1634. Bartholomew genealogy includes American linguist Doris Bartholomew; American inventor of concrete pavement George Bartholomew; and Edinburgh engraving society founder John Bartholomew, Sr.

Bartholomew Birth Records

Name Birth Date Death Date Location
A Dale B. -- --, 1913 July 5,2002 CA
Barbara B. -- --, 1924 December 22,2005 MA
C Robert B. -- --, 1921 March 15,2007 IN
Daisy B. -- --, 1893 January 29,1988 CA

Bartholomew Death Records

Name Birth Date Death Date Location
E Eleanor B. -- --, 1916 December 10,2005 Hermitage,PA
Fame B. -- --, 1959 October 8,2008 Philadelphia,PA
G Clifford B. -- --, 1915 October 16,1989 Scranton,PA
Hallie B. -- --, 1899 May 23,1989 Castalia,NC

Bartholomew Marriage Records

Name Spouse Marriage Date Location
Alan B. Amelia Lewis May 27,2005 Wake, NC
Ben B. Carolyn Thompson December 28,1963 Wake, NC
David B. Laura Lockwood December 28,1996 Wake, NC
Frederick B. Andrea Bihain February 27,2000 Dallas, TX

Most Common Surnames After Bartholomew

1976th: Mercado 1977th: Heck
1978th: Cervantes 1979th: Velez
1980th: Bock 1981st: Fine
1982nd: Wendt 1983rd: Condon
1984th: Hogue 1985th: Weinberg

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