Baughman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Baughman Genealogy & History

Baughman family history indicates that this surname comes from the Old German boum (tree), and may have been a name for someone who lived near a tree. Spelling variations can include Baumann, Bauman, Baumman, Baumenn, and Baumen. The name was first recorded in the area of Strasbourg. Wilhelm Baumann arrived in Germantown, Pennsylvania, in 1683. Baughman genealogy includes former US Secret Service chief U. E. Baughman; American pro baseball player Justin Baughman; and American neurologist, researcher, and psychiatry critic Fred Baughman.

Baughman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Ray Baughman-- --, 1924September 11,1993MO
Barbara Baughman-- --, 1916February 25,2007PA
C Dean Baughman-- --, 1921April 1,1998PA
D Merle Baughman-- --, 1921September ,1986PA

Baughman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Louise Baughman-- --, 1910May 19,1997Tempe,AZ
Fannie Baughman-- --, 1893September ,1977Osceola,IN
G Lucyle Baughman-- --, 1926July 13,2003West Burlington,IA
Hannah Baughman-- --, 1893April 15,1966Uniontown,PA

Baughman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Benjamin BaughmanJennifer HahnNovember 6,1999Wake, NC
Carl BaughmanTela SumnerApril 3,2001Wichita, TX
Donald BaughmanVeronica TripoliDecember 8,2001Tarrant, TX
Tyrone BaughmanJannie JudkinsApril 22,1995Wake, NC

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