Bauman Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Bauman Genealogy & History

Bauman, a German and Welsh name found in the Rhine region since medieval times, is related to the German surname Bauer. The Bauman derivation is from two Old High German words: giburo (cottage) and buan (to cultivate), which were combined into the Middle High German bumann, denoting a peasant farmer. Another possible derivation is from the Middle High German baum (tree), resulting in a nickname for someone living near a notable tree. American Bauman genealogy began in 1683 when Wilhelm Baumann immigrated to Pennsylvania. The silver bucks' antlers on the coat of arms signify sincerity and strength in Bauman family history.

Bauman Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Abbie Bauman-- --, 1911June 1,2003IL
B Kent Bauman-- --, 1937August 13,2005WI
Calvin Bauman-- --, 1912January 29,1989KY
Daisy Bauman-- --, 1902February 17,2005OH

Bauman Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Blanche Bauman-- --, 1933October 13,2006Millersville,PA
Fannie Bauman-- --, 1902January ,1977Liberty,NY
Gabriel Bauman-- --, 1908November 8,1998Honolulu,HI
H Carl Bauman-- --, 1913January 25,2001Lake Worth,FL

Bauman Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Albert BaumanTory BoneyOctober 21,2001Johnson, TX
Brian BaumanBunnie DelhommeMarch 31,2001Travis, TX
Carlos BaumanMaria AmayaMarch 19,2001Harris, TX
Daniel BaumanNancy ThomasDecember 27,2000Collin, TX

Most Common Surnames After Bauman

1495th: Thorpe1496th: Abel
1497th: Schwarz1498th: Munson
1499th: Tidwell1500th: Pelletier
1501st: Brand1502nd: Clemons
1503rd: Hinson1504th: John

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