Beard Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

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Beard Genealogy & History

Beard is an English descriptive name, derived from the Old French "a la barbe", meaning "with a beard". However, it is also a spelling variation of the Scottish surname Baird, whose Gaelic derivation can mean poet, axe, hill or handcart. In the late medieval period of 1100-1600, the custom was for men to be clean-shaven, making beards conspicuous. However, the name could also be locational, referring to someone from Beard in Derbyshire. In Beard genealogy, the records in 1280 in Somerset include the spelling "Onelabarbe" meaning with the beard. The earliest immigrants in American Beard family history came to Virignia in the 1630s.

Beard Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Howard Beard-- --, 1920January 2,2005DC
B Franklin Beard-- --, 1918January 27,2005TX
C Richard Beard-- --, 1929September 23,2009MO
D Frank Beard-- --, 1935July 27,2009CA

Beard Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
E Catharin Beard-- --, 1915June 1,1993Hagerstown,MD
Fabian Beard-- --, 1873June ,1966Mesa,AZ
G Doyle Beard-- --, 1956July 3,2006Tullahoma,TN
H Ralph Beard-- --, 1957February 8,2006Warrenton,TX

Beard Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Allie BeardAnnie CoffieldMay 14,1942Wake, NC
Charles BeardJillian FriedmanJuly 29,1989Wake, NC
Dallas BeardLewtisha PendergraftAugust 22,1971Wake, NC
Edward BeardErnestine MooreAugust 15,1955Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Beard

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575th: Hutchinson576th: Hensley
577th: Knapp578th: Hobbs

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