Bonner Family History | Find Genealogy Records & Family Crest

Bonner Genealogy & History

Bonner is an English and French name. It was originally derived from the Old French phrase, de bonne aire, which means handsome or of good bearing. Middle English adopted this as bonere or bonour, a nickname given to someone handsome or perhaps sarcastically to someone ugly. Alternately, it could have been derived from the Old Gaelic given name Cnaimhsighe, which supposedly means midwife. Bonner family history is first recorded with a John Boneyre (an alternate spelling) who lived in Huntingdonshire in 1250. Bonner genealogy includes Neville Bonner, the first Australian aboriginal elected to the Australian Parliament. The Bonner family motto is semper fidelis, which means always faithful.

Bonner Birth Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
A Fritz Bonner-- --, 1927July 5,2007IL
Badie Bonner-- --, 1910June ,1977VA
Calla Bonner-- --, 1917April 6,2000NC
D Ray Bonner-- --, 1918April 23,2001WV

Bonner Death Records

NameBirth DateDeath DateLocation
Ealon Bonner-- --, 1920December 28,2004Pittsburgh,PA
Fae Bonner-- --, 1927June 22,2010Washington,UT
G Fred Bonner-- --, 1913February ,1986Manchester Township,NJ
H Ellen Bonner-- --, 1930January 11,2005Laramie,WY

Bonner Marriage Records

NameSpouseMarriage DateLocation
Alexander BonnerMarjorie UmbelApril 26,1952Wake, NC
Charles BonnerEllen ClarkDecember 27,1969Wake, NC
Gary BonnerLinda DaeJune 15,1990Wake, NC
Tom BonnerKimberly ZackJune 4,1983Wake, NC

Most Common Surnames After Bonner

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1025th: Yang1026th: Justice

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